Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Party Animals

A few years ago for Christmas I had made a set of magnets for my family, but just recently my brother's magnet from that original set was discovered by a particularly naughty puppy. So for his birthday this year I decided to make him a set all his own.


kimberley said...

i still have our pig. the girls adore it:) and i find it absolutely charming - just like the one who painted it:) love you!

Becky Frame said...

Um, just a minute. I'll be right back. I'm going to go casually drop my magnet somewhere it might get damaged... :)

Celia Marie Baker said...

Aw, thanks Kimberly.
Tee Hee. Becky, you're a silly goose!
Love you both!

Anonymous said...

ha - these are great; the teeth marks are a perfect match for the bear's expression - he's been expecting a dog to come along and ruin his party!